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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
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Mastery Learning
Metro is a mastery-based school, which means the end goal of instruction and assignments is to ensure students are able to demonstrate an understanding of content before moving on in the curriculum. To that end, the mastery grading system affords students the opportunity to re-attempt work to ensure learning is taking place. In the mastery system, students must attain a 90% or above to be granted credit for a course.
Metro's high academic standards are based on the belief that every student can achieve mastery if granted the necessary time, support and opportunity to learn. Students who are committed to be actively engaged in their academic progress can benefit greatly from the Metro program.
Mastery vs. Traditional Grading
Traditional grading methods require students to meet benchmarks in the same way and in the same amount of time. The time allotted to specific learning targets is fixed; student performance therefore varies based on ability and/or effort (see left image below). For students who need additional time or assistance, the opportunity to master content may not be provided in a traditional model.
In a mastery system, the expectation for student performance is fixed at 90% and above and the amount of time allotted can vary (see right image below). Because not all students learn at the same pace or in the same way, the mastery system allows for students to revisit and re-attempt work until they demonstrate understanding.

Learning targets for courses are broken into units of study. Students must be able to demonstrate mastery in each unit in order to attain mastery for a course. Students who do not demonstrate mastery on a particular unit will be given opportunity to fill in gaps in their learning by attempting work again. Each teacher will have established processes and deadlines that might include things like:
Reflecting on the assignment to determine what the student has/has not learned.
Completing unfinished classwork or homework assignments for extra practice.
Reteaching, extra practice, or making corrections to tests/assignments already submitted.
Attending office hours outside of class time for extra help or tutoring.
Being reassessed on the content or skill through a different type of assignment.
In place of traditional paper report cards, Metro makes use of online systems that allow families to track student progress at any time. After enrollment, students and parents are given access to accounts in Schoology (for class-specific items like learning resources, assignments, project rubrics, etc) and PowerSchool (for general grades, attendance, fees, etc).
Student grades will be posted with a percentage and the corresponding code below:
Grading Code | Definition | Grade/Percentage |
M = Mastery | Indicates the student has demonstrated a working knowledge of a standard | 90% - 100% |
WIP = Work in Progress | Indicates the student submitted the assignment but the work is not yet at a mastery level | 1% - 89% |
DNA = Did Not Attempt | Indicates the assignment was not attempted or submitted | 0% |
Grades listed as WIPs can be improved to attain mastery. A grade below 90% will be adjusted as the student submits additional work that demonstrates mastery of the content. This can be done during class time, in after school office hours, or during work time at home. Teachers will share guidelines and expectations for their class.
Advisory serves as a "home base" for students at all grade levels and is an essential part of the Metro model. It is scheduled each year in addition to academic classes. Objectives include building strong relationships in a smaller group setting, supporting student academic and personal growth, expanding on the Metro Habits (explained below), and exploring college and career options.
At the beginning of the school year, students meet the team of teachers who serve as Advisors and are able to request the Advisor of their choice. Once assigned, students remain with the same group for the year. In grades 6 - 8, Advisory meets daily as part of the regular schedule. In grades 9 - 11, Advisory meets three times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday). In 12th grade, seniors move into a special Advisory called Senior Communications in which they review graduation requirements and work on the college application process.
The Advisor serves as an adult advocate and conducts regular check-ins with students to provide support. Each semester, students prepare a presentation to review their academic progress that is delivered in "student-led conference" style. Part of the goal is to encourage purposeful engagement in their educational journey and to help students learn to serve as their own advocate.

Learning Model
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
The Metro STEM learning model encourages students to move from a fixed mindset (focused on limitations or barriers to learning) to a growth mindset (focused on opportunities for learning) in order to expand their knowledge and skills. A growth mindset sees "failure" as part of the learning process.
The Metro Habits
Metro aims to develop the following qualities within each student:
Effective Communicator: Students will communicate their ideas clearly and have the ability to reflectively consider others' ideas, even when those ideas may differ from their own.
Inquiring Learner: Students will be inquisitive thinkers, not only asking questions, but acting on those questions to discover answers, accepting uncertainty and the risk of failure as part of the process.
Active & Responsible Decision Maker: Students will make decisions rationally and purposefully, considering available alternatives in order to find the best possible course of action.
Effective Collaborator: Students will work independently and as contributing members of a team, accepting and reacting to improve based on feedback and critique, and demonstrating compassion and honesty in interactions with others.
Critical Thinker: Students will approach new and perplexing problems with positive energy, uniqueness, and originality of thought, drawing from their personal experiences, prior knowledge and new input/information.
Engaged Learner: Students will exhibit persistence, sustaining a problem solving process over time while remaining focused and producing multiple drafts to achieve success.

Student Clubs
Metro offers a variety of student clubs that are optional and open to everyone. Clubs generally meet after school (2:45-3:45pm) and are subject to change based on student and staff interest. Clubs offer a great way to make new friends, explore areas of interest, and develop leadership skills.
Below are sample lists of clubs that have been offered in recent years. A list of active clubs will be shared with parents and students at the start of each semester.
Middle School : Chess, Anime, Robotics, Maker Studio, Fantasy Football, Theatre, Art, Debate, Yoga, Yearbook, Aviation (drones), Helping Hands (service club).
High School: Mock Trial, Dance Committee, Yearbook, Performing Arts, E-sports, Board Games, Basketball, Key Club, Ski Club, FIRST Robotics, Video Games.
Extra-Curricular Activities
As other STEM schools, Metro does not have its own sports program. Instead, students are eligible to participate in sports and other extra-curricular activities in their home school district. To find out about sports eligibility, students can contact their assigned home school's athletic director. Metro will provide grades to the school for sports eligibility.

Metro received a Most Diverse School award from Niche.com