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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
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After School Program
Metro offers an on-site program for families that need care for their students beyond the school day. The program includes time for homework, snacks, games, and other fun activities and is available for both middle and high school grades.
Parents who are unable to access district bus transportation and/or are unable to pick up students at the end of the school day (between 2:30 - 3:00pm) should sign up for our after-school program. Submit the form below to register your child. Students can begin attending AfterCare the day their paperwork is received.
Use the following link for the 2024-25 Metro AfterCare Application
The cost for enrollment in AfterCare is $150 per student per month. Program hours are from the end of the school day until 6:00pm. Parents may pick up students any time before the program closes.
NOTICE TO PARENTS: If your student is on school grounds after hours and is not enrolled in AfterCare, please note the following:
Teachers are not available to supervise students unless involved in a club or attending office hours.
Unsupervised students are not to remain on school grounds.
Students in a club or office hours (Tue/Wed/Thu) must have a ride home by 4:00pm.
Students not picked up on time will be sent to AfterCare and parents will be charged a daily fee for services. The current fee is $20, to be paid at the time of pick up.
AfterCare Online Payment
Payment for AfterCare fees can be made by cash or check at Metro or by credit card using the PaySchools system. If you prefer to pay online, please follow the steps below.
Log into your parent PowerSchool account: http://ps-metro.metasolutions.net/

Click on “Balance” in the left menu (highlighted on the screen shot below)

Click on “Pay Fees Here” (highlighted on screenshot below).

This will take you to the payschoolscentral.com website. If you have not created an account, follow the steps to do so.

If you have a PaySchool account, scroll to the bottom of the Dashboard page. Click on the cart in the After Care section and enter the dollar amount you want to pay.