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Ranked Best College Prep School by Niche.com

(Click image to learn more)

Early College Experiences (ECEs) are the "bridge" for Metro students transitioning from high school coursework to college-level work. Once students earn mastery in a minimum of 16-18 core high school classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, etc.) and successfully complete their Gateway presentation, they are eligible to apply to one of the ECE program options.

Early College Experiences

ECE's are designed to expose students to a college-level workload with the help of Metro instructors prepared to scaffold the process. Students benefit from enrollment in courses with a cohort of their peers, which allows for added support and collaboration through study groups. Participation gives students a clear advantage, as they acquire a toolbox of essential skills to succeed in a collegiate atmosphere. Our programs of study help students prepare to become 21st-century citizens in a global economy. 

In addition to college coursework, ECE students complete Capstone Research projects and Internships in collaboration with professionals in their fields of study. Students have opportunities to network and participate in cutting-edge research, sometimes leading to paid positions or extended internships. These real-world experiences set Metro students apart from their peers who are competing for admission to the same universities or applying for the same scholarships.

There are several ECE program options available, each focused on a different area of specialization. Students can select based on their career interests.

EARLY COLLEGE PROGRAMS - Spring 2025 Presentation

ECE Partnership


Bodies ECE Pathway

A STEM Early College Experience that integrates Biomedical technologies and college course work in Biology with a focus on health sciences.

Areas of Focus: Biology, Nursing, Biomedical or Health Sciences fields. Mastery in high school Biology & Chemistry required.


  • OSU - Mastery in Metro Biology, Chemistry, HBS (Anatomy). Mastery in Pre-Calc required to take higher level Biology classes.

  • CSCC - An A or B in the courses listed above.

Coursework: Students take advanced high school and college-level coursework in Anatomy/Physiology, Biology, Medical Terminology & BioEthics.

Placements: Research and internship opportunities include working with professionals at the OSU Wexner Medical Center, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, OSU Department of Veterinary Medicine, NanoFiber Technologies and American Orthopedics.


Design ECE Pathway

A STEM Early College Experience that integrates engineering, digital electronics, automated systems, and robotics.

Areas of Focus: Math, Engineering, Engineering Technologies, Manufacturing and Physics.


  • OSU - Mastery in Metro Trigonometry and Mechatronics/Computer Science.

  • CSCC - An A or B in the courses listed above.

Coursework: Students take advanced high school and college-level coursework in Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Programming & Engineering Ethics.

Placements: Research and internship opportunities include working with professionals at OSU's Center for Automotive Research, OSU College of Engineering, Turner Construction, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ready Robotics, Fortin Ironworks, IC3D, and Honda of America. Click the link for a list of Internship & Capstone Project partnerships.


Growth ECE Pathway

A STEM Early College experience that offers trans-disciplinary project-based instruction in all aspects of the food system: sustainability, production, transportation, consumption, and nutrition.

Areas of Focus: Agriculture, Nutrition, Communications, Business or Entrepreneurship.


  • OSU - Mastery in Metro Biology, Chemistry & Entrepreneurship.

  • CSCC - An A or B in the courses listed above.

Coursework: Students take advanced high school and college-level coursework in Horticulture & Crop Science, Food Science and Business/Marketing.

Placements: Research opportunities include working with professionals at Franklin Park Conservatory, Ohio Department of Agriculture, OSU Waterman Farm, Ohio 4-H, OSU South Centers Small Business Development Center, The Chocolate Cafe, Legal Aid Society of Columbus, G&P Productions and Real Music Records.


Energy ECE Pathway (12th gr.)

A STEM Early College Experience that explores careers in Environmental Science, Earth Science, Economics, Global Geography and Public Policy.

Who: Energy is reserved for 12th graders who have not completed another ECE.


  • OSU - Mastery in Metro Biology, Chemistry and Entrepreneurship.

  • CSCC - An A or B in the courses listed above.

Coursework: Students take advanced high school and college-level coursework in Clean Energy Systems, Environmental Science, Earth Science & Economics.

Placements: Research opportunities include working with professionals at COTA (Central Ohio Transit Authority), COSI (Center Of Science & Industry), Local Matters, Go Sustainable Energy, OSU Byrd Polar Institute, Ohio Environmental Council and the Columbus Mayor’s Office.

Early College Coursework

College Coursework

Metro Early College High School students may apply for college coursework once set requirements are met. Forms specific to Metro Schools will be made available each semester. Students must meet the deadlines set by each higher education partner.

The Ohio State University

Columbus State Community College

Columbus State Community College

The Ohio State University

Franklin University

College Credit Plus

Ohio’s College Credit Plus program is intended to help students earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students. There is no cost to families for tuition, books or fees; those costs are taken care of by the school. If you choose to attend a private college or university, you may have costs. 

Programs that meet the requirements and receive approval to become an Early College High Schools are exempt from requirements of the College Credit Plus program.