Awards & Accolades

Most Diverse Schools
Metro received a Most Diverse School award from We value diversity with our enrollment expanding beyond Columbus with students from 23 Central Ohio school districts and over 50 countries represented.

Best Stem Schools
Metro received a Best STEM school award from This award reflects our commitment to challenge students to think critically and become lifelong learners through our premier STEM-focused curriculum.
Who can apply?
Metro is open to students from all across Central Ohio. There is no restriction on the county or district of residence as long as students can physically attend classes at our Kenny Road location. Recruitment will focus on filling openings in grade 6 for the Middle School and grade 9 for the High School for the following school year.
Metro does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, gender identity or expression, ancestry, familial status, military status or disability in its educational programs, activities, and employment policies. All district policies, programs, practices, procedures, and decisions are reviewed to assure the rights of all students and employees to equal educational and employment opportunities as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and by law.
How do I apply?
To be considered for admission, parents must complete the online application by the set deadline in mid-February. All applications received by the deadline will be included in a lottery for available seats, which will be conducted by the beginning of March.
Do grades affect admission?
No. A student’s previous academic performance is not used as the basis for decisions in the lottery process. We ask that families consider our program expectations and their student's academic needs before accepting an admissions offer. Our program is rigorous and requires that students be actively engaged in a learning process that includes revisiting and resubmitting work not initially mastered.
Are applicants considered on a first come, first served basis?
No. All applications received by deadline are given the same consideration in our lottery process. The lottery is a random pull from the available pool of applicants.
Do siblings receive any special consideration for enrollment?
Siblings of currently enrolled students will receive preference for open seats but must have an application on file by the initial deadline. The sibling policy is applied to brothers/sisters living in the same household. It does not apply to cousins or other relatives. Admission is not guaranteed at all grade levels, as it only applies to openings being filled through the lottery.
What if I apply after deadline?
Applications received after initial February deadline will be placed on a waiting list until the first lottery pulls have been completed. Those applications will be added to the lottery after the first admissions meetings are concluded in the spring.
How will I be notified of lottery results?
All notifications go out by email, so please ensure to provide a current parent email address in your application. Students receiving an admissions offer will be notified by email and will be required to attend an admissions meeting. All other applicants will receive email notice of their waitlist status and will be included in subsequent lottery pulls.
What happens at the admissions meeting?
The meeting typically includes a presentation and time to have questions answered. In addition, your family may meet with a staff member to discuss our program and expectations. Participation is required to continue the enrollment process; both the student and at least one parent/guardian must attend.
Families are given up to one week from the date of the meeting to accept or decline their seat by responding to an online accept/decline form. A response must be received by the set date to secure admission. If a response is not received, it will be interpreted as a decline of the seat, which will then be offered to another student on the waiting list.
Are applications on the waitlist rolled over to the following year?
No. Applications are only considered for the year they are submitted. To be considered for the following year, please submit a new application for the correct grade level.
Is Metro part of the Columbus City Schools’ lottery?
No. Metro conducts its own lottery. Students in the Columbus district may participate in both the CCS and Metro lotteries.
Does Metro provide busing?
No. Transportation falls back to the district of residence. The following districts currently provide a bus to Metro: Columbus, Hilliard, Groveport-Madison and South-Western. Visit our District Bus Transportation Info page for more details. Other districts may offer parents reimbursement for travel ("payment in lieu of transportation"); check with your district transportation office for availability, deadlines and requirements.
Where busing is not available, we encourage families to organize carpools.
Does Metro require uniforms?
No, but there is a "Business Casual" dress code for staff and students. Please review Metro's Dress Code for expectations.