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Fadlan dhagsii erayga "Ingiriis" ee geeska kore ee midig ee boggan si aad u doorato luqad kala duwan

About the PTSA
The purpose of the Metro PTSA is to support and enrich the educational experiences of all students; build community among students, families, and staff; facilitate collaboration and communication between families and staff; and raise money to support student activities at both Metro Middle School and Metro Early College High School.
All families are encouraged to join Metro's Parent, Student, Teacher Association (PTSA). We would love to have your participation to help make the Metro community strong. Your $20 family membership is tax deductible and supports activities at Metro including student clubs, field trips, dances, staff appreciation events, and more.
Click here to sign up and pay membership dues. You can also submit payment by check (made out to Metro PTSA) at the front desk or mail to:
Metro PTSA
1929 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210
2024-25 PTSA Meetings (6:00pm)
September 17 - Kickoff & Budget Meeting
October 8
November 12
January 14
February 11
March 4
April 8
May 13
2024-2025 PTSA Officers
Chris Stevens, President
Kelly Reed-Hoisten, Vice President
Tiffany Skinner, Treasurer
Heather Sherman, Secretary

2024 PTSA Events
Back to School "Meet & Greet" August 15
All Metro families are invited to join us at the PTSA Meet & Greet Social on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Stop in any time between 4pm-6pm to meet staff and other Metro families while you enjoy a cold Italian ice treat from Rita's! Be sure to stop by the PTSA booth for membership information.
"Taste of Metro" Fall Social November 19

The "Taste of Metro Dessert Edition" is a gathering of families to experience the many cultures in our school through sharing traditional dishes. The fall 2024 event is scheduled for the evening of November 19, so save the date and plan to join us! Each family is asked to contribute a dessert to share that represents their culture or country or origin. The PTSA is excited to continue this social event to celebrate our school's diversity.

Ways to Connect
Monthly Meetings
PTSA meetings typically fall on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Meetings dates for the 2024-25 school year are planned as follows: September 17, October 8, November 12, January 14, February 11, March 4, April 8, and May 13.
When the option to join a meeting virtually is announced, parents are invited to join using this Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 862 1587 1431, Passcode: 1929)
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to volunteer in the Metro Community. The Middle School is always looking for parents/guardians to serve as helpers during lunch periods. We also welcome parking lot helpers during school pickup in the afternoons. Please contact the PTSA(pstametro@gmail.com) if you are interested in these opportunities. We will share additional ways to help throughout the year in the weekly Metro Family Newsletter.
OSU Football Fundraiser
PTSA's biggest fundraiser of the year is selling parking on our lot for Ohio State home football games. There are two ways you can help:
Volunteer: Use this link for the Metro Football Parking Volunteer Sign Up. Parent and student helpers are wanted for each home game, so you are welcome to sign up as a family. If your student belongs to a club that wants to request funds from the PTSA, encourage them to volunteer as a group with other club members.
Tell your friends to park at Metro: If you know Buckeye fans attending a home game, encourage them to park at Metro to support our students. It's a short walk to the stadium!
Fall 2024 Football Parking Dates
Aug 31 vs. Akron
Sep 7 vs. Western Michigan
Sept 21 vs. Marshall
Oct 5 vs. Iowa
Oct 26 vs. Nebraska
Nov 9 vs. Purdue
Nov 23 vs. Indiana
Nov 30 vs. Michigan

Contact the PTSA
For questions, suggestions, or to volunteer,
Email the PTSA leadership team at ptsametro@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook at
Metro Schools PTSA https://www.facebook.com/metroptsa