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Title I & ESSA Parents' Right to Know

At Metro Schools, we value the partnership of staff and families in the education of our students. At the first PTSA meeting of each school year, we will discuss Title I and parent engagement plans for the year and invite parents to attend and remain involved.
As the parent or guardian of a student attending a school that receives Title I funding, you have the right to know about the teaching qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher. At any time, you may ask the following about teacher licensure and credentialing:
If state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade and subject were met
If an emergency or conditional certificate has been issued
The undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, including graduate certificates and additional degrees, major(s) or area(s) of concentration.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was signed into law in December 2015 and reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1956 (ESEA), includes additional right to know requests. At any time, parents or guardians can request:
Information on policies regarding student participation in assessments and procedures for opting out
Information on required assessments that include:
Subject matter tested
Purpose of the test
Time and format of disseminating results
Amount of time it takes students to complete the test
Source of the requirement (if applicable)
You may request information by returning this letter to the school (or submit the form by email to burgett.2@themetroschool.org). Be sure to provide the following information with your request:
Child’s full name and grade level
Parent/Guardian's full name
Home Address
Teacher’s Name
Meka Pace, Superintendent
Click here for Title 1 ESSA Parents' Right to Know Meeting Slideshow

Title I Family Engagement Plan
This plan is developed in partnership with parents, the PTSA Executive Board and teachers. The plan is intended to identify the following:
Identify district strengths
Support for academic efforts of children
Strengthen home-school connection
District Strengths
Metro Schools is committed educating all students towards college and career readiness. Utilizing a mastery, STEM-centric curriculum, Metro students experience opportunities to learn through a relevant school curriculum and then enroll in college coursework through Columbus State Community College or The Ohio State University. Metro has a graduation rate between 93-100% (as some students have used a 5th year option) and 100% are admitted to college.
Engagement Opportunities
Metro Schools will reach out to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs consistent with the requirements of ESSA Section 1116. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children. Section 1116 (a)(1)
Each year, Metro will collect data from families (anecdotal, email and survey) to gather information about our program. This data will then be discussed and utilized to develop the Parent Engagement Plan for the subsequent school year. The newly created plan will be presented to our families during the first regularly scheduled PTSA meeting of the school year or as soon thereafter as possible.
Metro School receives Title I, Part A funds. Our goal is to plan and implement effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. Therefore, we will develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy. Section 1116 (a)(2)
Parent Engagement Opportunities will be scheduled throughout the school year.
Yearly Title I meetings will host a translator (or be sent out for online translation).
The annual meeting will go over the yearly plan, parent compact, teacher licensure and the plan to utilize Title I funds. The Title I Annual Meeting will be held during or shortly after the first regularly scheduled PTSA meeting of the school year.
Curriculum Night
Monthly PTSA Meetings
Title I Tech Bootcamp (PowerSchool and Schoology)
Title I FAFSA Night - Assist parents of students receiving Title I funds in completing the parent portion of FAFSA forms (date to be determined)
Metro Schools will conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all schools served under this part, including identifying— Section 1116 (a)(2)(D)
Broadening communication streams to increase family engagement
Weekly Newsletter, Emails, Texts, Phone calls, Website (hosted in multiple languages)
Each year, we will look to evaluate the effectiveness of our Parent Engagement Plan, look to identify any barriers toward greater participation and work to establish solutions to the identified barriers.
Activity | Compliance Documentation |
Title I Annual Meeting |
Title I Technology Bootcamp |
Curriculum Night |
Title I FAFSA Night |
Roundtables & Gateways |
Monthly PTSA Meetings |