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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
Fadlan dhagsii erayga "Ingiriis" ee geeska kore ee midig ee boggan si aad u doorato luqad kala duwan

Parents and students are required to agree to Metro's Parent/Teacher/Student Compact each year during registration. A downloadable copy of this policy is located at the bottom of this page.
The content of the Parent/Teacher/Student Compact is provided below for agreement through our registrations system.
School Mission:
Metro’s mission is to have all members of the Metro community seek to improve their practice of the Metro Habits of Heart and Mind:
Effective Communicator
Effective Collaborator
Active and Responsible Decision Maker
Engaged Learner
Inquiring Learner
Critical Thinker
Teacher Compact:
I will do my personal best to:
Provide a safe and caring learning environment where each child will learn to
be responsible for his/her own behavior and learning;Take into account the individual strength in children;
Keep parents informed of their child’s progress;
Communicate to the parents my expectations for the student and the parent;
Attend school functions;
Review/record/return all work assigned
Parent Compact :
I will do my personal best to:
Monitor the completion/submission of my child’s homework according to the teacher’s guidelines;
Review PowerSchool on a regular basis;
Attend at least one parent/teacher conference either at the regularly scheduled time or at a convenient time to be arranged between parent and teacher;
Communicate expectations for my child’s education to the teacher and notify the teacher of any significant events or changes in my child’s life;
Ensure that my child has internet access at home or another location to complete work and engage with school instructors.
Student Compact:
I will do my personal best to:
Attend school regularly;
Complete/Submit work on time;
Follow the Metro Habits and teacher expectations;
Respect my teachers, fellow students and other people at school and in the community;
Keep my parents informed of school activities, projects, etc.
Printable Documents
Parent/Teacher/Student Compact (English Version)
Parent/Teacher/Student Compact(Arabic Version)
Parent/Teacher/Student Compact (Somali Version)
Parent/Teacher/Student Compact (Spanish Version)