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Counseling Department
Our Mission
The mission of the Metro Counselors is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address students' academic and career goals, in addition to supporting their personal and social needs.
Our Beliefs
All students can achieve at high levels.
Every student is valuable and is to be treated with dignity and respect.
Students will have access to high quality counseling services provided by a licensed, professional school counselor.
Students' diverse differences are to be considered in the design and delivery of counseling services.
Statement of Confidentiality
To respect the rights and relationships of students, information shared with the school counselor will remain confidential, with the exception of matters concerning student safety.
Services Offered
Students can arrange to meet with a counselor by making a direct request or through a referral by a parent, administrator, staff member or friend. Counselors may also reach out to request a meeting with a student. Services offered include:
Academic Plans
Anxiety or Stress
Crisis Intervention
Goal Setting
Grief & Loss
Time Management
Parents may contact the counselors to request a meeting to discuss academic or personal concerns about their child. The counselors can help arrange a conference, small group or individual meeting, or outside referral.
Counseling Team
Tim Latta, M.S. Counselor (latta@themetroschool.org)
Carla Farwig, H.S. Counselor (farwig@themetroschool.org)
Corey Boyer, H.S. Counselor (boyer@themetroschool.org)
Student Resources
College Entrance Exams
One of the most important steps for 11th grade students is to register for the ACT & SAT. You can register online at
www.actstudent.org or sat.collegeboard.org/home (Metro’s School Code: 365-204)
When you register to take tests, make sure to include any colleges you may be interested in applying to as a senior. It’s free to send scores to 4 colleges before the test, but there is a cost to request reports after the test.
If you have an IEP or 504 plan and qualify for testing accommodations at Metro, see your Intervention Specialist to apply for ACT/SAT accommodations .
If you qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, you may use one fee waiver per test. Contact the school counselors for information.
Naviance allows students and families to investigate, research, track, and plan for the college admission process. All students are provided a Naviance account. To use Naviance, go to connection.naviance.com/metroechs and log in using your student email address and password
What can you do on Naviance-Family Connection?
Complete career interest and personality surveys
Find and compare colleges
Search for scholarship opportunities
Find links to contact information for college admissions representatives
Build and share a resume
Create a “game plan” for the college application process
Request letters of recommendation from teachers and/or counselors (senior year)
Online Resources
Click on the logos for useful links and information: Virtual Counseling Office

Intervention Services
Intervention Program
Metro adheres to a full inclusion model in it's educational program. A full inclusion model promotes the education of students with disabilities in the general education classrooms with children without disabilities. Students receive extra support from our team of highly qualified intervention specialists assigned to work in the middle or high school. Accommodations for students with Individualized Education Plans or 504 Plans are managed by teachers and members of the intervention team.
New parents of students with special education needs are asked to supply a copy of the student's IEP or 504 plan to Lori Carter, Director of Metro's Intervention Services (carter@themetroschool.org).
Services for English Language Learners
The mission of Metro's English Learner's service delivery model is to prepare students for academic success and to prepare educators to work with this diverse population through professional development. Metro will foster academic achievement, critical thinking and problem solving for students, while advocating for cultural education and enrichment for English learners within our schools and the larger community.
The Metro School District is committed to providing an English Learner (EL) program in an inclusive education setting that validates each student's native language and culture as a means to ensure academic and social-cultural success in a diverse society.
The Metro School District is committed to providing an evidence-based program of instruction that will allow us to:
Enable all students to achieve high standards.
Evaluate data to continually improve student learning.
Encourage the use of native language support through technology such as Google Translate as well as front loading and vocabulary building strategies to access content area curriculum.
Promote understanding of and respect for cultural and linguistic diversity by students, parents, staff and community.
Provide resources for English Learners to accelerate their learning and ensure students are technologically savvy.
Develop higher teacher competencies of ELs’ needs through comprehensive training of all staff on teaching strategies/methodology, second language acquisition and family engagement.
We aspire to:
Equip English Learners with the skills needed to compete in our global society.
Improve our community and society by providing opportunities for cultural education and enrichment.
Stay current in educational policies and professional development so that our practices are research-based and considered best practice for ELs.
Advocate for our English Learners to various stakeholders.
Intervention Team
Lori Carter – Special Education & Intervention Services Director (carter@themetroschool.org)
Colin Faber - H.S. Intervention Specialist (faber@themetroschool.org)
Verenice Rivera - M.S. Intervention Specialist (rivera@themetroschool.org)
Ashley Sander - EL Support (sander@themetroschool.org)

Outpatient Counseling with OSU Wexner Medical Center
Metro Schools is pleased to partner with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC) to offer short-term outpatient school-based counseling for students. Students that may request or be referred for services will be evaluated by an OSUWMC mental health specialist to determine appropriateness for treatment. If appropriate, counseling will be provided at no charge. Length of service will be determined on an individual basis according to progress towards treatment plan and goals. While students are engaged in these services at Metro Schools, they will NOT be considered patients of OSUWMC.
Certain circumstances may lead us to provide alternative mental health treatment recommendations for your teen outside of services provided by Metro Schools. If you choose to pursue these treatment recommendations, you will be responsible for the payment of any mental health service charges, including balances not paid by your child’s insurance carrier. Metro Schools will not be responsible for any costs incurred as a result of your pursuing these recommendations.
As part of the Metro Schools and OSUWMC partnership, qualified students may receive a mental health diagnostic assessment and counseling by an OSUWMC mental health specialist for a wide variety of social and emotional concerns. These may include, but are not limited to, life stressors, peer difficulties, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as other issues that might impact the student’s ability to function to his/her full potential in the school setting. Below is the Metro Schools informed consent packet which provides information regarding the counseling process. Review and complete the attached Consent for Treatment Form to provide consent for your teen to participate in counseling services. In order for your student to participate, we must receive the completed consent form. Additionally, in order for the mental health specialist to provide telepsych counseling services (if appropriate), the attached informed consent for telepsych services form must be completed and returned. We will retain the original consent form, but a copy can be provided to you if requested.
The mental health specialist will work with your student to identify a session time that is least disruptive to their education/learning and will make every effort to pull them during the day at a time when they will not miss class. However, this is not always possible. Should your student miss class assignments, it will be their responsibility to make up the assignments.
Contact Michelle Johnson, OSUWMC Mental Health Specialist, with any questions.
Phone: 614-259-6639, ext 1217
Parent Consent Packet: