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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة

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420 E. 19th Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 43201

Metro Middle School

About Us

Beginning in the fall of 2013, Metro piloted a Middle School program to help close gaps in student learning prior to enrollment in high school. The initial group of 75 students helped shape the curriculum for full implementation of grades 6-8 the following year. The school now enrolls 100-120 students per grade level.

As students move through the middle school program, they actively build on skills needed to successfully transition to high school and Metro's early college programming. Deeper engagement in the learning process and the development of self-advocacy skills help students become lifelong learners ready for the challenges of high school, college and career.

MS Flyer Pg. 1

MS Flyer Pg. 2

Middle School Administration

Dr. Marc Sterner

Dr. Marc Sterner, Principal

La'Rez Wilson

La'Rez Wilson, Administrative Dean

Amy  Lint

Amy Lint, Assistant Principal

Mary Barton

Mary Barton, Dean of Students

2024-25 School Year Schedules

class schedule

Course Catalog

Click here for the Middle School Course Catalog document.

English Courses:

6th Grade: Investigation Into Literature

Students will explore the theme of coming-of-age through texts that feature protagonists facing significant challenges as they navigate the world around them. Core texts include:The Watsons Go to Birmingham - themes of race, family and personal growth; The Giver - dealing with conformity, freedom and the pursuit of knowledge; Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina - memoir emphasizing themes of resilience, passion and pursuit of one's dreams. Throughout the semester, students will develop their writing skills through argumentative, informational, and narrative tasks, build their academic vocabulary, and strengthen speaking and listening skills.

6th Grade: Contemporary Literature

Students will continue the exploration of coming-of-age themes with more texts that feature diverse characters overcoming their own unique struggles. Core texts will include: The Outsiders - themes of identity, belonging, and the effects of societal expectations; Refugee - issues of survival, resilience, and the search for safety and belonging; The Unwanted - focus on the refugee experience and its emotional and societal implications.

Additional focus is placed on critical thinking and research skills as students respond to Essential Questions through writing and engage in academic discourse.

7th Grade ELA

7th grade English Language Arts uses the “Fishtank Learning” Curriculum to explore thematic questions related to identity, class, socialization, environment, and community in order to answer the essential question: How are humans driven by the need to belong? Students will read diverse literary works including poems, plays, graphic novels, short stories and film: Uprising, Flesh and Blood So Cheap, A Raisin in the Sun, The House on Mango Street, American Born Chinese, and relevant short texts. Over the course of the year, students will consider the complex past, present, and future of America, and how to define the ever-changing identity as a nation. Across the 6 units, students deepen their writing skills through argumentative, informational, and narrative tasks, and continue to build their academic vocabularies, speaking and listening skills, and social-emotional competencies.

8th Grade ELA

8th Grade English Language Arts uses the “Fishtank Learning” Curriculum to explore thematic questions related to race, justice, oppression, morality, empowerment, and freedom in order to answer the essential question: How does power influence human behavior? Students will consider how access to power influences decision-making, and how everyday people resist unjust leadership and oppression through careful study of classic and contemporary texts: All American Boys, Night, The Diary of Anne Frank, Animal Farm, Wicked History, Persepolis and additional supporting resources. Throughout the course, students address all ELA Common Core Standards as they engage with complex texts, participate in class discussions, and write daily.

Math Courses:

Integrated Mathematics I: 

Two sections of Integrated Mathematics prepare students for entry into the next sequential course, Pre-Algebra A and B.  Integrated Mathematics I is designed to provide a strong foundation for all future mathematics courses. This course will dive deep into ratios and proportions, the number system, and expressions and equations. Learning activities rooted in application will challenge students to consider the “why” behind the math. 

Integrated Mathematics II: 

Two sections of Integrated Mathematics prepare students for entry into the following math course, Pre-Algebra A & B.  This semester, Integrated Mathematics II content continues the study of 6th grade standards and content.  To prepare students for both the 6th grade AIR test as well as Pre-Algebra, content will include the real number system, expressions and equations, statistics, and geometry. 

Pre-Algebra A:

Pre-Algebra A is the first math course in a three course-long series that prepares students for high school Algebra 1.This course follows the Ohio Department of Education standards for 7th grade Math, along with learning tools such as Mathspace. The curriculum includes four units covering Integers and Rational Numbers, Expressions, Equations & Inequalities, Ratios, Unit Rates, and Percents, and Proportional and Linear Relationships.

Pre-Algebra B:

Pre-Algebra B is the second math course in a three course-long series that prepares students for high school Algebra 1.This course follows the Ohio Department of Education standards for 7th and 8th grade Math, along with learning tools such as Mathspace. The curriculum includes four units covering Probability, Triangles & Transversals, Geometry, and Statistics.

Pre-Algebra C:

This final section of Pre-Algebra prepares students for entry into the first high school credit math course, Algebra 1.  Pre-Algebra C content includes the study of the real number system, expressions and equations, linear functions/relationships, statistics, and geometry and follows Ohio Department of Education standards for 8th grade. Units of study are listed below. Click here to view all learning targets and standards for the course. Mastery completion of Pre-Algebra C will place students in Algebra 1 during the Spring Semester. 

Algebra 1: 

Algebra 1 is the first math course in the high school math series and follows the Ohio Department of Education standards for Algebra 1. Mastery in Algebra 1 results in a high school credit. Each of the skills you will learn in this course are essential to your success in subsequent math courses. This course is an semester long course following a challenging, accelerated pace to cover the following targets: Relations and Functions, Systems of linear equations and Inequalities, Exponents and Exponential Functions, Polynomials, Factoring and Quadratic Equations, Data Analysis, Quadratic equations and quadratic functions

Science Courses:

Energy & The Environment:

In this course, we use the Next Generation Science Standards for middle school Earth & Space Science and Physical Science.  Students will explore and investigate units covering nature of science, structures and properties of matter, energy, and human impact on Earth’s systems. In this course, students will be exposed to three distinct and equally important dimensions to learning science; disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts and science & engineering practices. The content of this course builds on students’ prior knowledge from elementary science and helps prepare and ensure student success in future science courses. 

Life As We Know It:

In this course, we use the Next Generation Science Standards for middle school Life Science.  Students will explore and investigate units covering molecules to organisms: structures and processes,  and interactions, energy, and dynamics relationships in ecosystems. In this course, students will be exposed to three distinct and equally important dimensions to learning science; disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts and science & engineering practices. The content of this course builds on students’ prior knowledge from elementary science and helps prepare and ensure student success in future science courses. 

Motion & Stability:

In this course, students will progress through specific Next Generation Science standards that surround physical science. Curriculum includes 3 units covering topics related to Newton’s Laws of Motion, speed & velocity, forces, electricity, and magnetism. In this course, students are also exposed to a blend of educational practices, including direct instruction, demonstrations, experiments, and projects that help students work through the scientific and design processes. The content of this course builds on students’ prior knowledge from elementary science and helps prepare and ensure student success in high school science courses. 

Our Changing Earth:

In this course, students will progress through specific Next Generation Science standards that surround Earth and space science. Curriculum includes 3 units covering topics related to the solar system and the relationship between the objects in it, the water cycle and basic weather patterns, and the geologic forces that help shape the planet as we know it. In this course students are also exposed to a blend of educational practices, including direct instruction, demonstrations, experiments, and projects that help students work through the scientific and design processes. The content of this course builds on students’ prior knowledge from elementary science and helps prepare and ensure student success in high school science courses

Alchemy in Action:

In this course, we will follow the Next Generation Science Standards standards for middle school physical science. Curriculum includes 3 units covering Atoms and the Periodic Table, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Law of Conservation of Mass, Physical and Chemical Changes, Natural and Synthetic Materials, Acids, Bases and pH, Thermal Energy, Macromolecules, and Energy Transfer. After this course, students will be able to model atoms and extended structures, examine the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred, and explain how chemistry affects our daily lives. In this course students are also exposed to a blend of educational practices, including direct instruction, demonstrations, experiments, and projects that help students work through the scientific and design processes. The content of this course builds on students’ prior knowledge from elementary science and helps prepare and ensure student success in high school science courses.                                                       

Medical Detectives: 

In this course, we will follow some of the the Next Generation Science Standards standards for middle school life science. Curriculum includes 3 units covering Cell Division, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Medical Technology, Human and Animal Anatomy, and the Nervous System. After this course, students will be able to explain how groups of specialized cells work together to create a complex multicellular organism, how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms, how genetic variations of traits in a population increase some individuals’ probability of surviving and reproducing in a specific environment and what this means for populations over time. They also will have a basic understanding of the nervous system and how we use it to gather sensory information about our environment for immediate behavior or storage as memories. In this course students are also exposed to a blend of educational practices, including direct instruction, demonstrations, experiments, and projects that help students work through the scientific and design processes. The content of this course builds on students’ prior knowledge from elementary science and helps prepare and ensure student success in high school science courses.  

Social Studies Courses:

Regions & People I:

In this course, students will cover half of the Ohio Department of Education standards for sixth grade social studies. Students will be challenged to uncover their own heritages and cultures as well as learn about other cultures and religions that exist around them. This course will also allow students to learn about the earliest humans, as well as, explore the earliest civilization: Mesopotamia. Additionally, students will analyze the impact of supply and demand and competition on market prices. Furthermore, students will begin to understand more about global trade, specialization and the impact of choices made within an economy. 

Regions & People II:

In this course, students will cover the second half of the Ohio Department of Education standards for sixth grade social studies.This semester will start out with an exploration of Black and women’s history. Students will be challenged to research and present about figures in Black and women’s history. This course will also allow students to learn about more ancient civilizations including China, Egypt, and India. Students will explore how geography influences human activity and produces innovation to help navigate the land.  Additionally, students will take a deep dive into the different forms of governments as well as the rights and responsibilities given to the rulers and the citizens. 

World Studies I 750BC - 1400AD: 

This course will look at world history from the period of the Ancient Greek and Roman Empires to the time period of trade and exploration in the 1500’s. The course will be broken into thematic units: Ancient Greece/Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation of the church. In these units we will look at the global impacts of these ancient world achievements by making connections to our lives today. Students will make class connections to understand how these achievements later get shared through the European trade and exploration time period to the Western world. Students will engage in learning through research driven projects, discussions, primary and secondary source analysis, and hands-on activities.

World Studies II 1400AD - 1600AD:

World Studies II picks up where World Studies I leaves off. The time period covered will be broken down into the units of The Mongol Empire, Islamic Civilizations, West African Empires, and The Columbian Exchange. These units explain the impact of the civilizations and people that have shaped the global modern world today. Themes will also be related to Current Events as much as possible to help the students to learn the importance of World History, even in today's norms and conditions.Students will engage in learning through research driven projects, discussions, primary and secondary source analysis, and hands-on activities. 

American Studies I: New World Order to Interruption

American Studies I takes students on a journey that explores land that belonged to indigeonous peoples who would soon have their worlds turned upside down by Europeans in search of a new life.. As Europe grew increasingly oppressive, people began realizing they deserved better and sought to achieve that, by any means necessary. In this course, students will learn how to analyze primary & secondary sources and use that knowledge to evaluate how the landscape of the Americas changed by European domination for their quest of religious and economic freedom. From the years 1491 to 1788, we’ll take broad and narrow looks at the idea of a free country, led by refugees from Europe, became future Colonists of the New World and set the path for a complicated America.

American Studies II: United & Divided

American Studies II  is a course designed to challenge students to think outside the constructed norms of current society in ways to be better for their future. We will explore the land we now call home, from the drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution in 1789 to the year 1877, where we investigate the reconstruction era that caused political and racial tension that can be felt in present day America. As we began to develop into the powerhouse the United States is known for, it almost unraveled right before the eyes of the pioneers who fought hard for this land to fulfill the promise of the constitution.

Elective Courses:

STEM Foundations (6th grade)

This nine-week course partners with OSU’s TEK8 program, as students explore Ohio’s technology standards and learn about how an iterative design process and technology can be used to solve problems that matter to people. 

The Internet of Things (7th grade)

This nine-week course applies the design process to information technology and Ohio’s standards for Computer Science.  Students learn about what a computer is, how the internet works and how we cause computational thinking to solve problems.

Computer Science Applications (8th Grade)

As the sequel to the Internet of Things, this class dives deeper into the Computer Science Standards, focusing on algorithm design, debugging and representing data. 

Prototyping and Problem Solving (8th Grade)

This nine-week course allows 8th graders to dig deeper into using research and science to define and understand problems, and drive their solutions forward.  Students have access to laser-cutting and 3-D printing, microcontrollers and more as they prototype and iterate solutions to problems. 

Middle School Wellness (6th Grade)

Middle School Wellness & Fitness is designed to motivate students to build healthy lifestyles for today and the future in all aspects of health: physical, mental/emotional, and social. The curriculum is designed to increase student knowledge & skills in a variety of adolescent health topics in order to achieve and maintain wellness. Topics to be addressed include healthy behaviors, goal setting, decision-making, and nutrition. In addition, students will regularly participate in physical activity to enhance their individual fitness levels. During this course, students will demonstrate an improvement in their cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance, as well as, learn a variety of sports and activities. This includes but is not limited to team sports (Basketball, Team Handball) net games (Volleyball, Pickleball), and invasion games (Flag Football, Soccer).

Middle School Wellness (7th Grade)

Middle School Wellness & Fitness is designed to motivate students to build healthy lifestyles for today and the future in all aspects of health: physical, mental/emotional, and social. The curriculum is designed to increase student knowledge & skills in a variety of adolescent health topics in order to achieve and maintain wellness. Topics to be addressed include healthy behaviors, goal setting, decision-making, and body systems. In addition, students will regularly participate in physical activity to enhance their individual fitness levels. During this course, students will demonstrate an improvement in their cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance, as well as learn a variety of sports and activities. This includes but is not limited to team sports (Basketball, Team Handball) net games (Volleyball, Pickleball), and invasion games (Flag Football, Soccer).

Middle School Wellness (8th Grade)

Middle School Wellness & Fitness is designed to motivate students to build healthy lifestyles for today and the future in all aspects of health: physical, mental/emotional, and social. The curriculum is designed to increase student knowledge & skills in a variety of adolescent health topics in order to achieve and maintain wellness. Topics to be addressed include: healthy relationships, harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, and drug abuse/addiction. In addition, students will regularly participate in physical activity to enhance their individual fitness levels. During this course, students will demonstrate an improvement in their cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance, as well as learn a variety of sports and activities.

6th Grade Visual Arts 

6th grade Visual Arts, using the Ohio Learning Standards for Fine Arts, focuses on beginning technique and design including the basics of drawing, painting, and sculpture. We will concentrate on the Elements and Principles of Design, understanding concept, process, and composition along with what it takes to create a successful artwork and how to self-assess that work. 

7th Grade Visual Arts

Following the ODE Standards for 7th grade Visual Arts, we branch into TAB which is a student-choice led classroom system where each student has 70 - 100% autonomy when creating their art projects. This teaches the students creative/ abstract thinking, metacognition, and decision making skills. With this beginning intro to tab, the students will focus on creating works influenced by real world issues and human connection and will have the opportunity to apply their concepts through drawing, painting, sculpture, written pieces, dance, song, etc.  

8th Grade Visual Arts

8th grade Visual Arts continues with TAB learning following the ODE Visual Arts Standards. During this grade level, students will obtain 100% creative autonomy, creating works conceptualized by them from start to finish. This allows the students to become creative change-makers who improve the lives of all.