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What is PowerSchool?
Login Page: https://ps-metro.metasolutions.net/public
PowerSchool is our online student information system that helps you track your child's progress throughout the school year. We encourage parents to set up a PowerSchool account to keep up to date on student performance and be better equipped to help their child succeed.
In PowerSchool, parents are able to access the following for each of their children:
Grades and Attendance for the current semester
Grade history for previous semester grades
Attendance history
Teacher Comments
Fee balance (shows fee transactions for the year and balance due, if any)
My Calendars allows parents to subscribe to email progress reports
Instructions to Set Up a Parent PowerSchool Account for the First Time
Click the Create Account tab
Click Create Account
Fill out the Parent Account Details section and set a Username and Password for yourself.
Fill out the Link Students section with the Access ID and Access PW provided by the school. Select your relationship to the student.
Click on Enter at the bottom of the page
You'll see a message that a verification email has been sent. Click on the link emailed to you to verify your email address.
Go back to https://ps-metro.metasolutions.net/public and use the username and password you selected to log in to your new account!
Adding New Student to Existing Account
If you have an existing Metro PowerSchool account and then have a new student enrolled with us, you can add them to your parent account following these steps:
After signing in to the account, click Account Preferences on the left side menu
Under Account Preferences, click on the Students tab
Now click on the Add + button and complete the information requested.
Forgotten Usernames or Passwords
If you already setup an account and forgot your usernames or password.
Click on the Forgot Usernames or Passwords?
Once your account is set up, you will be able to toggle between each of your students to view their information. You will see a grid of your student’s classes, the teachers, and the current grades. Anything that’s in blue can be “clicked” on to see more detail. For instance, if you click on the grade for the class, you will get a list of the assignments and scores to date.
Students are provided with their own login information so they can monitor their progress.