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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
Fadlan dhagsii erayga "Ingiriis" ee geeska kore ee midig ee boggan si aad u doorato luqad kala duwan

Student Fee - Due Beginning of Each School Year
All Metro students are required to pay a student fee each year as part of the annual registration process. Fees are due by August and are non-negotiable and not refundable. The student fee replaces all previous program fees, supply fees, technology fees, senior dues, etc.
Parents will be notified when fees can be paid for the new school year. Amounts are as follows based on family income (submitted on the Free/Reduced Meal form):
High School - $150 full pay, $75 for students who qualify for reduced price meals, $0 for students who qualify for free meals
Middle School - $50 full pay, $25 for students who qualify for reduced price meals, $0 for students who qualify for
free meals
Qualifying for Reduced Fees
Student fees will be reduced if your family qualifies for Free/Reduced lunch.
The Free/Reduced Lunch Application must be completed each year; qualifying one year does not carry over to the next year. You will receive notification of your status once your application is reviewed.
Please submit an application for your household even if your child(ren) will not eat meals at school. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may be eligible for other fee reductions and waivers, which are not accessible without a current application on file at the beginning of the school year. This includes waivers for college applications and college entrance exams. Having an application on file also helps Metro qualify for funding to serve economically disadvantaged students.
You can access the Free/Reduced Lunch Application here
or visit the Free/Reduced Meal page of our website for complete instructions
Completed forms should be returned at the Metro front desk or to Metro Business Manager Kathy Fries at fries@themetroschool.org. Only one form is needed per family (list all of your students on the same form).
Submitting Payment
In Person: Payment can be made at Metro using cash, check or money order. You can request a receipt for your cash payment at the front desk.
By Mail: Payment can be submitted by check or money order made payable to Metro Schools. Be sure to include your child's name on the Memo line and mail your payment to:
Metro Schools, Attn: Kathy Fries
1929 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Online: Payment can be made by credit/debit card online using PaySchools. Please note that PaySchools adds a fee for use of their service. PaySchools can be used for any school related fees/payments, including balances for school meals or technology repairs.
Click here for the PaySchools Information Flyer
Instructions to set up a PaySchools account:
Visit Payschools Online and register for an account.
You will receive an email to finish the account details: set up a password, link your student(s) using their student ID number(s), choose notifications, and set up a payment method.
From the Dashboard, you can review the Meal and Fees balance.
You can opt to pay for all or part of your balance by adding the Fee to the shopping cart and following the steps to complete payment.