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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
Fadlan dhagsii erayga "Ingiriis" ee geeska kore ee midig ee boggan si aad u doorato luqad kala duwan

If your child is beginning employment and a minor work permit is required by the employer, please complete both pages of the Application for Minor Work Permit form and return to Metro for processing. The application must be submitted with all parts completed in order for a permit to be processed.
Student/Applicant Information – to be completed by student and parent. Leave the Superintendent signature section blank; it will be signed by a Metro staff member when your permit application is received.
Pledge of Employer – to be completed by a representative from the place of employment. Please ensure all sections are completed, including information regarding the number of days and hours to be worked.
Applicant Information – to be completed by the student and parent.
Physician’s Approval – to be completed by your doctor or clinic verifying the student is physically able to engage in work.
Completed applications may be turned in at the front desk or the Counselor's office. Please allow 1-2 business days from the submission of the application to have your work permit ready for pick-up. The signed permit should then be submitted to the student's employer.
If requesting a permit during a period of all-virtual instruction or while the Metro building is closed during summer, scan and email your completed work permit application to Mrs. Burgett for processing (burgett.2@themetroschool.org).
If your child begins a new job, you will need to repeat the process to receive a permit for the new employer.