Metro Schools has a business casual dress code requirement for students and staff. Our dress code is intended to establish a positive, professional working and learning environment for all members of our school community.
Please take time to review the full Dress Code Document here.
The business casual dress code allows for student individuality by not restricting students to a singular uniform or color of clothing. The most significant restrictions are as follows:
No shorts, sweats, athletic or workout pants, or blue jeans are permitted as regular dress code. Jeans are only permitted for "dress down days" as set by administration (will be announced to students in advance). Jeans worn on a dress down day must be of solid color and free of rips, holes, tears or patterns. Sweats and athletic shorts are only permitted for students enrolled in our Wellness (health/physical education) class. See Dress Code document above for details.
Dresses/skirts cannot be shorter than three inches above the knee. Leggings cannot be used as pants; they must be worn with a dress/tunic or skirt that meets the length requirements above.
No t-shirts, hoodies or tanks/sleeveless shirts are permitted as regular dress code. Solid colored t-shirts and sweatshirts are permitted for our Wellness (gym) class dress code. See the document linked above for details.
Solid colored sweatshirts are allowed but cannot have large logos/words/images.
Dress shirts that are longer than the back pocket of pants must be tucked in.
Coats are to be taken off once inside the building. During cold weather, we encourage layering with sweaters or jackets as described in the Dress Code document.
Casual shoes, dress shoes and tennis shoes are permitted.
Flip flops, athletic sandals, Crocs, house slippers and sandals with straps between the toes are not permitted. Students in lab classes should not wear any style of open toed shoe for safety reasons!
School IDs
Students will be issued a school ID with a Metro lanyard. The school ID is required to be worn daily as part of our dress code and an important part of safety protocols.
The ID/lanyard are to be worn around the neck.