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Registration Troubleshooting
Occasionally, parents may run into issues when completing the Annual Student Registration form online. If you need help, please check this page for troubleshooting tips for common problems.
Unable to Login
Please use the parent email address on file that was used to create your account or use the option at the bottom of the screen to login with a cell phone number.
If you do not remember your password, click the Forgot Password link below the Sign In button. You will receive an email to reset your password. You can also use security questions to verify access for your account.

Incorrect Birthdate
The student's date of birth is initially transferred into Registration from their Metro Application. If it was entered incorrectly on the application, it will be incorrect in registration.
If the date of birth you enter is not accepted at login, contact the school to see what date is in registration. You will need to use the incorrect date to continue with the process.
Parents cannot change the date of birth in Registration. If it needs to be fixed, make sure you have provided a copy of the birth certificate and email Betty Marshall at registration@themetroschool.org to let her know the date of birth needs to be corrected.
The sibling section can be skipped by selecting zero (0) in the drop-down menu. Metro does not need sibling information at this time.
Primary Contact: Contact 1 must have an active email address and live with the student.
Additional Contacts: You may not be able to edit information for contacts already in the system. If that is the case and you need to make a correction, click on Remove Contact to add the new information.

Phone #: Only one phone number is required for each contact. To remove the requirement for more, delete the rest of the phone numbers from the Phone Number field and set those Phone Types to "-Select-".
Duplicate phone numbers cannot exist between contacts, so only use each number once.
Custody Documents
Only select Yes for "Does this contact have legal custody documents?" if there are court papers that should be on file with the school. You will be required to provide documents if this question is checked Yes for any adult contact.
Uploading Documents
Visit this help web page for assistance uploading documents.
If you are being asked for Custody Papers and you do NOT need to provide them, go back to the Contacts screen to select No under each parent/guardian where it asks, "Does this contact have legal custody documents?"
Be sure to click
Submit at the bottom of the last page when you are done.
If you are unable to submit, go back to any page without a green checkmark to complete missing information. You can return to the Submit page from any other page by using the menu on the left side.