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يرجى النقر على كلمة "الإنجليزية" في الزاوية اليمنى العليا من هذه الصفحة لتحديد لغة مختلفة
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Male - 51%
Female - 49%
Free/Reduced Lunch - 51%
Special Needs - 7%
Limited English Prof. - 5%
Asian - 11%
Black - 44%
Hispanic - 4%
American Indian - 1%
Multiracial - 7%
White - 33%

Students must earn a 90% or higher to earn credit in a course. Grades below 90% show as WIP (work in progress) until mastery is attained. All grades will be converted from WIPs to letter grades at the beginning of the senior year.
Grading Scale

College coursework is weighted on a 5 point scale.
Algebra I, Geometry, Statistics, Algebra II, Discrete Math, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus
College Reading (9), College Writing (10), Literary Analysis (11), American/World Literature (12)
Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Environmental Justice, Human Body Systems/Anatomy (ECE), Clean Energy Systems (ECE), Medical Interventions (ECE)
Social Studies
American History, World Studies, Government, Marketing Principles (ECE), Financial Literacy, Business Foundations ECE), Entrepreneurship
Mechatronics, Advanced Mechatronics, Robotics (ECE), Computer Science Essentials, Computer Science Principles, Digital Electronics (ECE), Engineering Logic (ECE)
Foreign Language
Rosetta Stone online language courses (Spanish, French, German)
Introduction to Fine Arts, 3D Art
Health & Physical Education
Wellness (1/2 credit Health, 1/2 credit physical education)
Business Research Internship
Capstone Research, Senior Innovations (12th grade)
Student Success
Advisory, Senior Communications (12th grade)
Early College Experiences
Effective Communicator
Inquiring Learner
Active & Responsible Decision-Maker
Effective Collaborator
Critical Thinker
Engaged Learner
2024 College Admissions Profile

Metro Early College High School |
Superintendent: Meka Pace |
CEEB Code: 365204 |
What is Metro?
Established in 2006, Metro Early College High School was born out of the desire of both The Ohio State University and Battelle to create a "small" STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) school with a big footprint. Metro was the first higher education (OSU), business (Battelle) and K-12 partnership for STEM learning in Ohio. With a growing interest for STEM education, Metro expanded its footprint to include a 6th-8th grade program.
The Metro model not only includes a STEM-centric curriculum, but also provides early access to authentic college experiences. In lieu of traditional AP or IP programs, Metro students take college coursework in a collegiate environment with traditional college students. On average, Metro students earn about 30 college credits and may complete stackable credentials.
Metro Early College High School serves as the platform school for the Ohio Stem Learning Network (OSLN) and is the model for Race to the Top programs in Ohio, Tennessee, New York, North Carolina and Texas.
Admission to Metro is non-selective. Interested students from across the state of Ohio may apply, and admission is offered based on a lottery draw. Selected applicants then interview with current Metro faculty, students, and families to determine if Metro is the best fit. Currently, 25 different school districts from 9 different counties are represented, with about half coming from the largest district in central Ohio (Columbus City Schools).
COVID 19 Information:
At the onset of the COVID 19 outbreak, Metro classes transitioned to a virtual format. At Metro, monthly virtual classes have been a common practice for several years. While the transition wasn’t seamless, our school had the platform and resources already in place to make this adjustment. For the spring semester of 2020, students were given the option of continuing with our mastery grading system or choosing a pass/fail grading option for each of their classes. In the 2021-2022 school year, Metro returned to in-person classes with the mastery grading system in place.
Our Community:
At Metro, it is our desire to develop young adults who are connected to their communities and practice their citizen responsibility. Each year, students must complete a minimum of 40 service hours to have a greater understanding of our larger community needs. As proximity to a college campus is vital to our school model, each Metro school is located on a college campus.
Metro Early College High School is located in Columbus, Ohio on the campus of The Ohio State University.
Metro students are welcomed into the college environment by participating in scavenger hunts to better learn OSU's campus; they work and learn from OSU faculty, staff and students and they take college classes with traditional college students at the university.
Our Vision & Mission:
Our vision is to provide a small and intellectually vibrant learning community designed to serve students who want a personalized learning experience that prepares them for a connected world where math, science, and technology are vitally important. Metro has a holistic approach to educating students – focusing on cognitive, social, emotional and physical development through experiential learning, service learning and family and community support. Our mission is to have all members of the Metro community seek to improve their practice of the Metro Habits of Heart and Mind: Effective Communicator, Inquiring Learner, Active & Responsible Decision Maker, Effective Collaborator, Critical Thinker, Engaged Learner.
Core High School Requirements:
Students complete all high school requirements in Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Health/PE, Art and Foreign Language. Metro’s accelerated curriculum provides students the opportunity to earn 8 credits per year: 4 in Fall Semester and 4 Spring Semester. Core courses focus on mastery of content through innovative, hands-on, project-based learning.
Once students have successfully earned mastery in the majority of their core high school requirements (Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Health/PE, Art, and Foreign Language), they begin a curriculum focused on early college access, internships, and research opportunities. Before students begin college coursework, they give a Gateway presentation defending their readiness for college. The six “Metro Habits of Heart and Mind” - Effective Communicator, Inquiring Learner, Active and Responsible Decision-Maker, Effective Collaborator, Critical Thinker, Engaged Learner - and the student’s use of those habits in their coursework/life are the focus of the presentation. Metro faculty, parents, peers, and community members attend Gateways. In order to pass, all parties must agree that the student has proven readiness for college.
Early College Experiences (ECEs):
After successfully completing the Gateway, students choose an Early College Experience (ECE). ECEs introduce students to college-level coursework, on a college campus, with college faculty and other college students. The ECEs provide students with additional support during the transition to college by registering them in courses with a cohort of their peers and having a designated high school teacher and college advisor to assist with scheduling, orientation, organization, and finding additional resources. All ECEs incorporate advanced high school coursework, college coursework, and internships/ career exploration. See our Early College Program descriptions here.
Full Time College:
After successfully completing their Early College Experience, students generally take a full load of college classes. Students work with a college advisor to develop schedules based on their long-term academic goals (or to finish their Associates Degree). Each year, more than half of Metro’s 4th year students take a full load (12+ credit hours per semester) of college courses. On average, 80-90% of the students in every graduating class complete at least one college course before graduation.
Class of 2024 Data:
Graduates: 129
4-Year College: 101
2-Year College: 20
In-State College: 112
Out-of-State College: 9
8 students are doing a gap year/other programs
51% of the class of 2024 earned the state STEM Honors or Academic Honors Diploma
1 member of the class of 2024 was a semifinalist in the National Merit Scholarship Competition
College List:
Metro students have been offered admission to and attended many prestigious colleges/universities, including but not limited to the ones listed below. (Names in bold indicate colleges to which graduates of the Class of 2024 matriculated.)